Well, isn't this a delightful twist of fate, Tom? Our funny editor Mike's keen eye in the editorial room when I was busy led me straight to your story as he said it was a must read. So I couldn't resist. I must say, you have done a stellar job articulating the virtues of medicinal mushrooms—even though they are not exactly my cup of tea these days like you. It is like a gentle nudge from the universe reminding me to keep an open mind, even if it means facing my fungal fears. Kudos to you for shedding light on their health benefits! I will link up my own tale of research into their cognitive and neurological wonders, mushrooms and all hoping mushroom lovers can read stories from two old scientists. Cheers to embracing the unexpected and I look forward to your juicy stories on Health & Science which is your new home. We definitely need a molecular scientist here. 🙌