This mistake has been happening for years. How can an account mistakenly goes to the spam filter. It makes no sense to me. It is either bad design, a bug, or negligence. Medium should solve this problem as it gives too much unnecessary stress to the members. It happens so frequently and usually to authentic writers. There isn't a single day a writer contact me about this issue. I am so sorry you also had to deal with this issue and I am happy your account was restored. You did not deserve this. Thank you for writing about it. I know how it feels when our accounts are suspended unfairly. It happened to me on Medium, twice on X, once on Facebook, once on Linked, and permanently on Tumblr. All of them were accidentally initiated by immature AI system. Now Medium uses AI-detection tools which produce false positives and will cause authentic writers labeled to be using AI and will cause them to lose their MPP.