This is a disappointing comment from a healthcare professionals. Humans evolved eating meat. There is nothing wrong with keto-carnivore diet helping millions of people thrive. Keto-carnivore diet saved my life and many other people in my circles. While plants gave me nightmares, nutritious animal products healed my entangled health issues.
I understand animal based diets might not suit or appeal everyone but called them dangerous is unfair and illogical.
We are all unique and need to customize our diets based on our needs. I documented my experience of keto-carnivore diet and how terrible my health before it in another story. I link them to enhance the meaning of your story.
Thank you for your logical arguments and sharing your valuable experience generously. I like people sharing their opinions politely against an idea however we should respect each others choice.
Even though I don't consume plant products due to personal reaons, I still support my loved ones who eat plants and encourage them to use keto-vegan diet to reap the benefits of ketosis which is a wonderful capability nature gave us to thrive.