Thank you this uplifting feedback Selma.
Great to follow each other on Twitter. When you get back to it we can converse using a different collaboration style. I enjoy tweeting the articles I read on Medium to support our writer fellows her eand create visibility for their articles. Many authors I follow here, like yourself, make great contribution the Medium platform hence their effort need to be recognised in larger scale too.
I think Twitter is a good tool to raise awareness and introduce the work of our writers on Medium to a wider audience. Noticed that some writers link their twitter handles to medium, however some don’t use it. In my view, it would be useful to link it so that readers can tweet them with a single click and they can be informed with the tweet.
Thank you for wishing for miracles, interestingly, your writing induce miracles for me. I am glad to come across your profile.
To collaborate with the authors on Medium, I can be connected on Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and other platforms using this single link.