Thank you for writing this piece creating The Sturg Effect! Your story gave me a sudden Aha! Moment.
Why Would a Pub Owner Call ILLUMINATION as “Illumibomination”? I think the answer is obvious. Everyone can recognize the taste of sour grapes.
Why wouldn't Illumination editors write about other publications such as Post-Grad Survival Guide, Assemblage etc,? Because we don't interfere in other people's affairs. We mind our own business.
My response to your insightful story would be too lengthy to share in this context. However, one of our editors has captured my thoughts in an editorial bulletin. Interested readers may check the detials in the bulletin via this link:
Mr K referred to this diverse and inclusive publication as "The T-Series of Medium" or "The weird black sheep of the family that went on to make a million dollars trading Dogecoin."
As a person who has studied the human brain and mind, I've insights into the kind of brain chemistry that can lead to hallucinations. Too much social media can cause burnout. I can't do much but I only wish health and happiness to our collaborators.
Thank you for clearing the rejection issues poped up as part of this incident which is a good thing for us. We never reject any story for no reason and we always provide supportive explanation and suggestions to resubmit.
And I appreciate your clarification on the AI concerns which we will communicate shortly.