Sorry to hear about that. Plagiarism has been an issue since the beginning but has recently reduced. Like AI, it is another big issue wasting the time of volunteers. They check every suspected story using their own tools, as Medium does not provide a tool. We do the same thing. As soon as our editors detect plagiarizers, they report them to the Medium support team, which suspends their accounts. In the past, we used to confront them by removing them from our pubs, and they attacked us through social media. Thanks for your concern, but I am well, and everything is under control. This story is for information to set the expectations of writers and inform them that our editors are doing their best despite restrictions that are unknown to new writers. Yesterday a writer sent message to one of my backups on Slack saying it has been 4 hours and her story was still not published not knowing that some stories are 20 days old in the publishing queue.