InILLUMINATIONbyDr Mehmet YildizSleep Regulation: Neurobiology of the Suprachiasmatic NucleusI explain how the brain regulates circadian rhythms and whether a literal “clock” exists within it in simple terms based on experience and…Jan 1049Jan 1049
InEUPHORIAbyDr Mehmet YildizHere’s How a Female Body Builder Cured Insomnia.“Why Can’t Doctors Prescribe Meditation for Insomnia?” asked Heather, a female bodybuilder and a genetic engineerMay 6, 202436May 6, 202436
InEUPHORIAbyDr Mehmet YildizHere’s How Fred Slept Better and Lost 44 Pounds.After losing 20 kilos in five steps in a year and not gaining any back, he is now a healthy and happy family man.Feb 22, 202415Feb 22, 202415
InEUPHORIAbyDr Mehmet YildizThe Brain Needs 3 Types of RestLike muscles, neurons, dendrites, and axons need intentional rest to survive, grow, function optimally, and rejuvenate the mind.Jan 23113Jan 23113
InILLUMINATIONbyDr Mehmet YildizAn Optimal Way to Solve Sleep Issues Is Understanding the Roles of Cortisol, Melatonin, and…These three biochemicals are the cornerstones of the sleep architecture, and only by optimizing them can we address sleep deprivation and…Feb 25, 202429Feb 25, 202429
InEUPHORIAbyDr Mehmet YildizHere’s How Cortisol Plays a Critical Role in Sleep Disturbances.The higher cortisol (stress hormone), the lower melatonin adversely affects sleep quality.Dec 16, 202414Dec 16, 202414
InEUPHORIAbyDr Mehmet YildizWhy I Enjoy Barefoot Walk So MuchI reduced my stress, improved sleep quality, and uplifted my mood.Nov 29, 20247Nov 29, 20247
InEUPHORIAbyDr Mehmet YildizMy Simple Yet Powerful Sleep HacksHow I resolved my sleep problems to gain a better mood, improve memory, increase libido, reduce stress, and lower my health risksDec 27, 20199Dec 27, 20199
InEUPHORIAbyDr Mehmet YildizMy Smart Sleep Habits — Chapter 5From book titled “Powerful Life-Changing Hacks That Truly Transformed My Life” by Dr Mehmet YildizNov 13, 202214Nov 13, 202214
InEUPHORIAbyDr Mehmet YildizFinding Health And Longevity In Extreme TemperaturesReduced stress, improved sleep, fast recovery from exercise, increased energy, reduced inflammation, improved skin conditions, uplifted…May 31, 20212May 31, 20212
InEUPHORIAbyDr Mehmet YildizHere’s How to Fix Hormonal Sleep Issues and Improve Sleep Quality in 3 Steps.Sleep deprivation, especially insomnia, causes serious health issues for millions who need lasting solutions.Feb 27, 202434Feb 27, 202434
InEUPHORIAbyDr Mehmet YildizHere’s Why a Cold Shower a Day Might Keep the Doctor Away in My Experience.Five remarkable health benefits of cold exposure: fat loss, better sleep, mood enhancement, fitness improvement, and overall resilience…Aug 17, 202318Aug 17, 202318
InEUPHORIAbyDr Mehmet YildizHere’s How to Improve Sleep in Ketogenic Diets and Intermittent Fasting in Five Steps.Practical ways to address sleep issues and get restorative sleep with lifestyle habits during the transition to new eating regimensNov 27, 202318Nov 27, 202318
InEUPHORIAbyDr Mehmet YildizHere’s How I Corrected My Sleep Issues in 7 Steps and Reaped Many Health Benefits.Sleep deprivation could lead to serious health issues affecting millions of people if it remains unresolved.May 10, 202425May 10, 202425
InEUPHORIAbyDr Mehmet Yildiz7 Tips to Optimize Adenosine and Sleep Like a BabyAdenosine, a vital molecule in various forms in all cells, regulates sleep, wakefulness, energy metabolism, blood flow, inflammation, and…Mar 4, 202427Mar 4, 202427
InEUPHORIAbyDr Mehmet Yildiz10 Sleep Hurdles and How to Overcome ThemThe intricate dance of the body and mind in sleep regulationFeb 10, 202437Feb 10, 202437