Like all beginners, I also experienced several side effects when I started time-restricted eating. My body needed to adapt to this new regime. From hindsight, all those symptoms indicated the remarkable biochemical changes in my body. I was only feeling the emotions created by the metabolic changes. They looked uncomfortable, but they were paradoxically setting the ground for future comfort. After reading valuable comments from my loyal readers who try to gain perspectives for their health and well-being journey, I am inspired to pen this piece. Many readers mentioned that they intend to fast, but they feel awful. I understand this situation as I experienced those terrible symptoms decades ago when I started fasting. My purpose in this article is to introduce a few practical tips that helped me address the side effects of fasting and eliminate symptoms successfully. I acknowledge that these terrible symptoms were not fun and initially concerned me a lot. However, I am glad my mentors provided me with valuable insights and encouraged me to continue in the beginning. Their support made me transform my health to an optimal state.