I will tell you right now if you are only looking for money. You came to the wrong place, honey. Chris Hedges does this to help other people and herself. Gurpreet Dhariwal loves to lift others up and will till it like it is. Amy Marley will always see the good in you no matter what you say or do. Lanu Pitan she is a light, understands gifts that are given. Pierre Trudel ❤️Louise❤️ has a soul that is so giving I sometimes find it hard to receive. Tom Byers, we invite challenges against each other, we then explain and take it in…discuss without shame. R Tsambounieri Talarantas never has a cruel word to say, a true writer. Charlotte Zobeir Ali where I got nicknamed Kween🌹 she is maturing in her writing at a very impressive speed. O.J. Gillom a friend of mine from the very first day. No judgment, chill, and honest with how he feels. Martine Weber we have become friends recentlt… know she respects me publicly. FILZA CHAUDHRY just joined her new Pub and when I really found out what she is all about it made me feel love. B. A. Cumberlidge. A soul that is honest and true. He won’t judge you. I save the best for last Sherry McGuinn she will kick some ass. Better stop with the sass. I believe all these friends will stick up with me.