I like your sharp observations and clever responses.
I saved this article as an example of expressive writing to share with my proteges.
I believe your brain rewarded you with a lot of good feel hormones after completing this piece. Luckily we have a few great tools on this platform to deal with throls.
I don't engage on Facebook anymore. It got too toxic. In addition Facebook itself started rejecting some of my scientific articles I pubished on Medium as the algorithm label them as hate speech. It was so funny.
Thank you for sharing your exciting life. I admire your achievements. Keep illuminating your valued readers.
Here is my researhch and houghts on expressive writing for your interested readers. https://medium.com/sensible-biohacking-transhumanism/science-based-therapeutic-value-of-expressive-writing-for-mental-health-1b52d0b95579