I intuitively knew this point would come to me and it did from one of my favorite authors. 😂Your point is valid and I appreciate your valuable feedback. I should have clarified my key points better. Although I amplify Tim's unique perspective in this story you may know that I embrace all sorts of voice, styles, and eclectic topics therefore I established ILLUMINATION for diversity, inclusion, and fairness principles. Tim is only one voice out of thousands. I did not mean I will change rules according to his rule, I meant he inspired me to update my rules with more reader focus content generation and less platform rule concerns like boost guidelines to guide aspiring writers. The stringent rules did not work for 99% of writers therefore I resigned from the boost program. New submission guidelines, especially for former ILLUMINATION-Curated will be less stringent to make that pub available to all level of writers for cross pollination. I will explain the details in upcoming posts. Your feedback helped me to present my ideas with more precision. Tank you, Bear.