I enjoyed reviewing these beautiful stories. Many thanks to contributors who delight our readers. The purpose of my article today is to notify a new development to my readers in the writing communities. As a customer, I was informed that Draft2Digital acquired another great publishing and distribution company, Smashwords, earlier today. I want to provide my findings and perspectives on this amalgamation. I believed that Freelance writers pour their heart and soul into their content. They deserve compensation. Innovative companies like Draft2Digital and Smashwords open the path by giving independent writers and authors a competitive opportunity. Outspokenly, we need to take personal responsibility for our products and services in this economic climate as vanity metrics do not pay our bills and feed our families. Thank you for reading my story. guiding freelancer writers. I hope you find it valuable. If you enjoy it please share with interested readers. I hope your stories find many discerning readers. Good luck.