Hi Tiffany, thank you for sharing your sad yet empowering situation. As a pub owner of multiple publications, I hear about such situations almost every day. A few months ago, Medium conducted a bulk suspension using what appeared to be a flawed software. While it's important to prevent fraudulent activities, unfortunately, several innocent and authentic writers were also suspended. Although some were eventually reinstated, they were left feeling disheartened by what seemed to be an unfair treatment.
If a suspension occurs, there should be clear reasons and sufficient evidence. I suggest you appeal again and ask for justification. Did they indicate that your content was AI-generated? If they used a tool to make this decision, there's a possibility of false results. Two years ago, my publications were inundated with AI-generated content, which was often easy to spot. However, some editors relied on detection tools that produced both false negatives and positives. This meant that AI-generated content was sometimes flagged as human-written and vice versa. Most of these tools are still immature, so we eventually stopped using them. However, we still receive such content, and we transfer it to different publications where writers cannot monetize.
My point is that there may have been a mistake in your case, so it's worth appealing. Despite your situation, your decision to continue writing is commendable.
I understand the pain of unfair suspension—it's happened to me multiple times, including when Medium suspended my account in 2020 due to an allegation without first investigating it.
I wish you the best in your writing journey. You are welcome to join my publications if they resonate with you.