Hi Rebecca, your story touched my heart and felt like deja vu, reminding me of an intimate, poignant, and memorable conversation with my late father in 1960s, who wanted me to stay close to the family. The wise Fool inside me urged me to go beyond boundaries in far/exotic lands and showed me wonders waiting to be experienced and cherished. I felt the fear of the unknown and uncertainty, but the excitement and awe exceeded the fear and motivated me to explore and discover new meanings in my life. When my father was on his deathbed, he congratulated me for not following his advice, but my intuition, which made him proud. I made many mistakes, as you described as sour cherries, but the pleasure of the entire meal made those sour cherries an additional flavor. These invaluable experiences added the meaning I needed deep down in the very fabric of my soul. Thank you for writing this heartfelt, insightful, inspiring, and educational story. Like Aiden, I felt like you wrote this sublime piece like a movie script. I hope this exceptional story reaches many readers as it can illuminate their path. With gratitude, wishing you many more adventures and blessings my friend 🙏🌹🙌