Hi Raza, thank you for your inspiring words, which meant a lot to me. I also researched the effects of inconsistency, causing adverse behavioral outcomes, including procrastination.
I appreciate your inspiration to write an article on this. I will. In the meantime, I'd like to briefly share my thoughts as it looks important to you.
Inconsistency can significantly contribute to procrastination through self-efficacy, decision fatigue, and ambiguity. And as you pointed out, procrastination can also lead to inconsistency so they are interdependent concepts.
When our actions and beliefs are inconsistent, it creates a cognitive dissonance that can be uncomfortable and stressful.
For example, suppose a person believes she should exercise regularly to maintain good health but consistently fails to follow this belief. In that case, it creates a sense of conflict within herself.
As I covered in this story, this internal conflict can lead to guilt, anxiety, and self-doubt, which can lead to procrastination.
Self-efficacy is our belief in our ability to accomplish a task. I highlight this concept because our self-efficacy can be undermined when we consistently fail to follow through on our beliefs and intentions. As a result, we might begin to doubt our abilities, leading to a lack of motivation and a reluctance to take action, leading to procrastination.
In addition, when faced with a constant stream of big and small decisions, it can be overwhelming. This unbearable situation can lead to a lack of willpower and cause us to put off making decisions or taking action, even if it is in our best interest.
Inconsistency can also lead to procrastination by creating ambiguity and uncertainty. Knowing what to do or how to proceed can be difficult when our beliefs and actions are inconsistent. This ambiguity can cause confusion and indecision, which can lead to procrastination.
Due to these reasons, it is essential to recognize the impact and implications of inconsistency in our lives. Therefore, we need to work towards aligning our actions with our beliefs and intentions to reduce the likelihood and effects of procrastination.
I hope these points might give you some valuable perspectives. I also started exploring your great stories on Illumination and will start engaging in them soon. I appreciate your contributions.