Hi Nancy, I understand your pain and frustration as yesterday I had to close my best publication which I established in 2020 as one of the most loved publication of the platform supporting over 3K accomplished writers and serving as former boost nominating. I also resigned from my privileged boost nomination role. I openly and transparently shared my reason to close the publication and resignation from the pilot boost program yesterday. I link it here for reference.
Thank you for writing this important story. Several of our editors also had this email you attached and their pain bleeds my heart. Unfortunately a few months Medium also suspended the accounts of several innocent editors accidentally. One of them was so close to my heart that I had to write an open letter to the community to prove that the editor was not a fraud. Fortunately Medium heard my plea and unsuspended Lanu's account. I link it here too for interested readers as a historical record. https://medium.com/illumination/why-i-firmly-believe-lanu-pitan-is-not-a-fraud-but-an-avid-reader-and-valuable-community-member-8b4b55eec812