Hi Dr Khwaja, thank you for sharing your opinion, but you seem to miss the importance of such stories for aspiring writers. It looks like you couldn’t see the big picture. Medium suddenly reduced the earnings of all writers by at least 99%, using spam and scams as an excuse for algorithm tweaks. I, as the leader of a large community, stopped writing until this unfair tweak was fixed. If leading writers like me don’t encourage Medium to take corrective actions, nothing will happen, and the situation will get worse and worse. Please check out the comments in my story from writers at all levels to understand the current situation. Now, Medium leaders are reading the comments, and they are taking the situation more seriously.
I used to be a privileged writer, like being a boost nominator serving only 1%, but I resigned from it to be able to serve 99%.
The saddest part was the suppression of scholarly voices like you, which also caused me to close my best publication, ILLUMINATION-Curated, in which I poured my heart and soul into supporting authentic writers.
I have seen your profile for the first time despite my interest in social sciences. Most likely, the system flagged your polished and scholarly pieces as spam or AI-written and did not distribute them. There are so many systemic issues on this platform. We must discuss them openly and create a healthy debate as a caring community. I invite all levels of writers to shake the status quo as thought leaders.
Please also check out the recent story of another scholarly writer, Dr Michael Broadly. Like many professional writers, including MDs and PhDs, his authentic stories are censored by the algorithm.
I wish you the best in your writing journey. If you need help, please reach out to me via contact details in my farewell story. I will be happy to support you in growing your audience on multiple platforms.