Hi Deborah (Deborah Barchi),
First of all, I am very sorry for this inconvenience. Interestingly, I don’t receive these messages even though I am an editor. Medium’s unusual and non-intuitive system causes a lot of grief for writers. And there is no apparent support to address system problems. However, I will find a workaround to turn off those annoying messages soon.
Let me clarify that it is not a role for editors to review unrealistic number of articles. In our community the role of editor is different.
Our editors (geographically dispersed) can help publishing submissions quickly rather than waiting hours and days in submission queue. In our community development phase, we accept published submissions, not unpublished. I am looking after the unpublished submissions. There were only a few so far. Editing at this stage is optional unless something is illegal or extremely disturbing to the readers.
The main role for our editors is to find content through their connections and network and curate outstanding articles for our publication. This is the main role of our editor. If an editor curate an article, we expect them to improve the quality by editing it so that the curated article is in an acceptable standard. Our curation program will evolve with new criteria established by the community on consensus.
I am developing community guidelines including roles and responsibilities to be shared soon. One of the roles is proof-reading volunteers to improve the quality of submissions. Some editors may volunteer for this role but it is not an essential requirement for editors.
If this unique editor role does not appeal to you, I can remove you from the system and keep you as our valuable writer.