Hello my friend,
I am surprised by your conclusions. How did you come up with such a conclusion? I love criticism in fact, I embrace negative criticism deliberately as an academic and inventor. I simply responded with my perspective with a bit of humor to your humorous feedback as an online friend. If my response offended you, it is not an intentional offense, and I sincerely apologize.
You only approached with intellect in your comment. Therefore, I offered a point of view with politeness. Your post lacked emotional and spiritual intelligence. You came up about "past lives," which has nothing to do with my story. I only mentioned "intuition, consciousness, and karma," which are concepts studied by hundreds of scientists if you check the literature.
I represent a scientific view in my post, but you slanted my content and took it out of context. You are welcome to do so. I respect you as a reader and a person.
However, using adjectives like "hilarious" and "stupid" for my ideas does not sound too scientific and spiritual to me. But I am cool with them as external points don't bother me.
Now you jump to another out-of-context matter and blame me for being closed to criticism which also seems to project your inner world.
I am 100% open to the public on this platform and multiple other platforms. I have been interacting with people since the inception of the Internet and have had thousands of criticism which made me resilient.
You may check my perspectives on accepting negative criticism that I authored in 2020. https://medium.com/sensible-biohacking-transhumanism/negative-criticism-df22f5fe90a5
You are always welcome to criticize my content, as you have been doing so for a while. As long as you don't defame me with personal attacks (which you don’t do), you are most welcome to criticize anything and everything. As I said before, I value your feedback and see you as an online friend. As I also mentioned before, I admire your intellect and focus on Marshall Arts.
As you can see my response to you is as comprehensive as an article showing how much I value to your friendship However, I had to block a few online bullies who have different agendas than authentic conversation.