Dear Dr Maniera, thank you for sharing your valuable experience. Studying the effects of testosterone in the brain and our metabolic health your points resonated very well with me.
I certainly agree with the caution you wisely pointed out. However, there is a specific need for for aging men who face testicular failure or low testosterone production for various health reasons. Testosterone is one of the most critical hormone for men for physical and mental health.
Therefore, I personally believe that those people can certain benefit from it with professional guidance. I also studied older men who were on TRT. They were eligible for this therapy endorsed by endocrinologists or urologists. They made remarkable changes in their life. In fact they gained more healthspan and lifespan. Here are two a sample case studies.
With due respect, I personally don't agree with the sensanilized longevity experts whose studies failed replication and mislead public even if they come from reputable institutes.
It's crucial to critically evaluate such studies, especially if they lack replication and may have the potential to mislead the public with sensational info.
On a personal note, I focus on adopting a healthy lifestyle to naturally enhance my testosterone and growth hormone levels. They work for me at my old age. But I will not hesitate TRT if my levels go below acceptable levels (not so called normal range which is misleading)
Once again, thank you for sharing your insights on this important topic. I admire your credible and inspiring content.