All articles are written by a single person even the scientific ones. My aim is to inform here based on my experience. I provided evidence but Medium asked me to remove them to comply with the policy. If you read the responses, there is a unanimous agreement for removing toxic accounts. This applies to all online platforms. I have been tolerant and given sufficient benefits of doubts, always at least 24 hours of warning in case the person may be in a difficult mental situation. As many witnessed in the Slack channel, my 24 hour backfired, I was abused, humiliated, and given names.. All my credentials are publicly available. However, the persona who creates toxic attacks has no single link for public. So here we go, as a scientist you make your own judgment. If you are in doubt, you can triangulate by having a chat with your preferred writers. Thank you for reading and leaving a message. I appreciate you as my valuable reader Shin Jie Yong.